Sunday, August 28, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. | ||
Proverbs 11:1 | ||
Measuring was done with weights and balances. The problem is, people would use one set of weights when they were buying and another set when they were selling. Every day, the farmer delivered a pound of butter to the baker. But the baker began to notice that the pound of butter was becoming smaller and smaller and smaller. “My goodness,” he thought, “I’m being systematically cheated.” So he reported it to the town constable. The baker and the constable went to the farmer’s farm, where the farmer was accused of shortchanging the baker. “But the butter I give him weighs one pound,” the farmer insisted. “What are you using for a weight?” the constable asked. “The baker’s one-pound loaf of bread,” the farmer stated. Thus, the baker was caught in his own trap. It’s interesting how we try to connive to get the best possible deal. That’s the tendency of the human heart. But the Lord doesn’t reward such a tendency. To Him, manipulation is an abomination. This doesn’t only apply to our own businesses or lifestyle, but to spiritual things as well. You see, there’s something that far outweighs our sin and failure: a little tiny piece of bread and cup of juice. If you’ll come to the Lord’s Table and receive what He did for you on the Cross, you will find that whatever sins you’ve been involved in, whatever stuff you’re struggling with, whatever things you’re bogged down by will be far outweighed by His righteousness. A just weight is the Lord’s delight. And we are just that because of what Jesus did on the Cross (Romans 3:26). |
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
我是在中国大陆厦门出生的。两岁时,我的家人接受福音。一年后,我的父亲离开世界,我成为孤儿了。我六岁读书时,曾经问妈妈,“为什么别人有爸爸,我没有?”“他早就走了!”“到哪里去?”“很远的地方!”“什么时候回来?”“永远不回来!”“为什么?”“因为他死了!”感谢上帝,照他自己的应许成为孤儿的父亲,成为寡妇的怜恤者。 我记忆很深的是七、八岁的时候,每天早上起来,最先听见的总是忠心敬虔的母亲向上帝祷告的声音。我八、九岁的时候,她就要孩子们每天先与她一同祷告一个钟头,然后再放我们到学校去读书。九岁半时,我母亲感受到主的带领,就把所有的孩子尽可能地带到南洋去。当时她不知道是什么原因,但到了南洋几个月后,中国大陆便落入共产党的手中。当我十二岁时,领受了特别的感动,就在一次奋兴会中,把自己奉献给上帝,立志一生做主的工作。从那时候开始,我就常常读圣经,在学校里面做见证,把耶稣基督介绍给别人,带领人到教会和主日学去。 但到了十七岁时,无神论、进化论、辩证唯物论、共产主义的思想侵蚀了我的基督教信仰,使我整个年轻时代,向往着振奋人心的共产主义。就在那个我几乎要脱离基督教信仰的最危险时刻,我在上帝面前说:“主啊,如果你是真的上帝,你的道是真理的话,你解答我问题,使我解脱、使我肯定,重新接受你是基督,接受你的道是真理;否则的话,我就永远离开你。如果你解答我的问题,我就立志到世界各地,在你的引导下,去解答别的青年人的问题。”如今我在聚会中解答很多问题,原因是当时我对上帝的承诺。上帝感动我、呼召我,使我痛哭流泪,深深感到我是罪人,耶稣基督为我死在十字架上,我应当接受他做我个人的救主。但是,真觉悟到他是我的主和我应当真心归向他的时刻,却不是在聚会中,而是在路途中。当时我应该回到苏拉巴亚城去,从火车站下来走回家的半路上,我觉悟到基督是我的救主。当我把头抬起来,我发现这宇宙是上帝所造的,基督是天地的主。当我从上看到下的时候,一个很清楚的观念浮现出来──他为我死,为我流血舍命,为我受了咒诅,为我领受神的审判,为我被钉在十字架上。我的心完全被改变过来,感到基督是为我唐崇荣而死的,那我活在世界上是为什么? 当我看见一切都这么美的时候,突然间发现,在路上行走的人是最可怜的,因为他们在世界上忙忙碌碌,却不知道死了以后要到哪里去?谁把福音传给他们?就在这件事发生后的第三天,我听见上帝在我心中的感动,叩我心门的声音,我知道这是从天上来的呼召,就把自己奉献给上帝做传道人。那是1957年1月9日,是43年以前的事情。从那天开始直到今天,同样的信心、同样的心情、同样的负担、同样的火热,从没有衰退和减弱,从没有失去从天上来的异像和感动。
我是在中国大陆厦门出生的。两岁时,我的家人接受福音。一年后,我的父亲离开世界,我成为孤儿了。我六岁读书时,曾经问妈妈,“为什么别人有爸爸,我没有?”“他早就走了!”“到哪里去?”“很远的地方!”“什么时候回来?”“永远不回来!”“为什么?”“因为他死了!”感谢上帝,照他自己的应许成为孤儿的父亲,成为寡妇的怜恤者。 我记忆很深的是七、八岁的时候,每天早上起来,最先听见的总是忠心敬虔的母亲向上帝祷告的声音。我八、九岁的时候,她就要孩子们每天先与她一同祷告一个钟头,然后再放我们到学校去读书。九岁半时,我母亲感受到主的带领,就把所有的孩子尽可能地带到南洋去。当时她不知道是什么原因,但到了南洋几个月后,中国大陆便落入共产党的手中。当我十二岁时,领受了特别的感动,就在一次奋兴会中,把自己奉献给上帝,立志一生做主的工作。从那时候开始,我就常常读圣经,在学校里面做见证,把耶稣基督介绍给别人,带领人到教会和主日学去。 但到了十七岁时,无神论、进化论、辩证唯物论、共产主义的思想侵蚀了我的基督教信仰,使我整个年轻时代,向往着振奋人心的共产主义。就在那个我几乎要脱离基督教信仰的最危险时刻,我在上帝面前说:“主啊,如果你是真的上帝,你的道是真理的话,你解答我问题,使我解脱、使我肯定,重新接受你是基督,接受你的道是真理;否则的话,我就永远离开你。如果你解答我的问题,我就立志到世界各地,在你的引导下,去解答别的青年人的问题。”如今我在聚会中解答很多问题,原因是当时我对上帝的承诺。上帝感动我、呼召我,使我痛哭流泪,深深感到我是罪人,耶稣基督为我死在十字架上,我应当接受他做我个人的救主。但是,真觉悟到他是我的主和我应当真心归向他的时刻,却不是在聚会中,而是在路途中。当时我应该回到苏拉巴亚城去,从火车站下来走回家的半路上,我觉悟到基督是我的救主。当我把头抬起来,我发现这宇宙是上帝所造的,基督是天地的主。当我从上看到下的时候,一个很清楚的观念浮现出来──他为我死,为我流血舍命,为我受了咒诅,为我领受神的审判,为我被钉在十字架上。我的心完全被改变过来,感到基督是为我唐崇荣而死的,那我活在世界上是为什么? 当我看见一切都这么美的时候,突然间发现,在路上行走的人是最可怜的,因为他们在世界上忙忙碌碌,却不知道死了以后要到哪里去?谁把福音传给他们?就在这件事发生后的第三天,我听见上帝在我心中的感动,叩我心门的声音,我知道这是从天上来的呼召,就把自己奉献给上帝做传道人。那是1957年1月9日,是43年以前的事情。从那天开始直到今天,同样的信心、同样的心情、同样的负担、同样的火热,从没有衰退和减弱,从没有失去从天上来的异像和感动。
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. | ||
Proverbs 3:5-6 | ||
Trust in the Lord. Even if it doesn’t seem to make sense, follow the leading of the Lord according to His Word. When I went skydiving, a man on the ground held a big arrow that he turned to show which way the wind was blowing and which way we were to go to catch it. I remember that when I regained consciousness after jumping out of the plane, I saw the guy turning the arrow. But I thought his direction was wrong, that he was leading me into a power line. His direction didn’t make sense to me. Do I follow the arrow? I wondered. Or do I follow my own judgment? For a moment, I ignored the arrow. And then I thought I better follow it. So follow it I did - flying right over the power lines and landing in the right spot. It’s tempting to think we know more than the arrow. It’s tempting to think, “Well, Lord, I know I’m not to lean on my own understanding. I know I’m to trust You. But what You’re doing doesn’t seem to make sense.” At that point, we have a decision to make - whether to follow the arrow or to do our own thing. How I encourage you to follow the arrow, gang. Even if you can’t figure it out, follow the leading of the Lord according to His Word. You’ll dodge the deadly power lines of the wicked and land right in the center of the field every time. |
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; if thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. | ||
Proverbs 2:3-5 | ||
To know God and to understand Him requires a certain amount of effort and work. Solomon likens the process to a miner searching for gold, silver, and precious stones. If you dig in and get serious about your pursuit of wisdom, wisdom will be yours. But it doesn’t come easily. There’s a price to pay for wisdom: digging in the Word day after day. In 1 Timothy 5:17, we read that we are to labor in the Word. The Greek word Paul used for “labor” means “to work to the point of perspiration.” Why do we have to labor? Why do we have to mine for wisdom like gold? Because what I mine is mine. That is, what I learn through the grace of God as I dig in and wrestle with a text becomes His Word spoken to me personally. And what is mined stays in the mind. I never forget it. The story is told of a young man who came to Socrates and said, “Give me understanding, wisdom, and knowledge.” Socrates said one sentence: “Follow me.” As the young man followed the great philosopher, Socrates walked through the city until he came to the edge of the ocean. He walked out waist-deep in the ocean, grabbed the young man by the neck, and thrust him beneath the water. Finally, the young man fought his way up for some air and gasped, “Master, what are you doing?” Socrates said, “When you want knowledge and wisdom and understanding as badly as you wanted that breath of air, that’s when you begin the journey.” Solomon is saying the same thing. When you really want to dig in and commit yourself to that process, it will be yours. Labor in the Word, gang. Moisten this Book with the sweat of your brow. And God will meet you in that place and reward you greatly with hidden treasures, with real gems. jon courson |
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Oil paintings heaven

Revealing Heaven

Revealing Heaven

Valley of Weeping
Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them. Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. | ||
Psalm 84:5-7 | ||
The root of the word baca means “weeping.” We too, find ourselves going through tearful valleys. The tears we shed on our way to the house of the Lord - toward Heaven, ultimately - form pools that provide refreshment for others on their own pilgrimage. That is why Paul would write, “Blessed be the Father of mercy, the God of all comfort who comforts us in our trouble in order that we may be able to comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received (see 2 Corinthians 1:3-4). You can’t be a comforter unless you’ve been comforted. And you can’t be comforted unless you’ve been uncomfortable. So God allows us the privilege of being made uncomfortable from time to time, to walk through the valley of Baca, so that the One who wipes away every tear can minister deeply to us in order that we can help others (Revelation 21:4). The Lord is so good to allow us to experience what Paul calls the fellowship of suffering (Philippians 3:10) that we might help others and let them know the Lord will see them through, even as He has done for us. |
An excerpt from "Footsteps of the Flock" by Pastor Jon. "Footsteps of the Flock" is a collection of 365 short devotions from the Old Testament books of Joshua through Malachi. |
"I shall regard the home as sacred and always guard my actions in the presence of the opposite sex, so as not to cause a man and his wife to break their vows to one another.
I shall be chaste with the opposite sex who are married and not, considering them as sisters. I shall be careful not to cause them undue pain by playing on their affections."
I shall be chaste with the opposite sex who are married and not, considering them as sisters. I shall be careful not to cause them undue pain by playing on their affections."
Thursday, August 11, 2011
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