How to Choose The Right Wok
Friday, October 14, 2011 | By: Beijing Zhu (朱蓓静)
You might not know it but cooking the wrong dish in
the wrong wok can lead to murky sludge and bitter disaster. One Chinese
netizen posts her frustrations, “Rust keeps appearing on the bottom of
my iron wok, but I’m afraid the chemicals in non-stick or carbon woks
will poison my food. Plus I hear the iron in iron woks is good for the
blood. What kind of woks are you all using?” Clearly, choosing a wok
isn’t as simple as picking the cheapest shiniest one off the store
shelf. Follow this guide and know how to choose the one that’s right for
When looking at woks the first thing you might notice is all the
different handles they come with. Some have two small metal loop handles
on each side. Some have a long stick handle on one side and a loop
handle on the opposite side. Others simply have a single long metal or
wooden handle. All handles serve the same purpose—to lift the wok off
the burner—so choose based on your own techniques and preference.
Skilled chefs prefer the long handle as it allows them to toss easily.
Always remember to test the weight of a wok before you buy. If it’s too
heavy for you to handle, then choose a smaller one or one made from a
lighter material, you certainly don’t want to sprain your wrist frying
an egg!
A typical family-size wok is 14 inches in diameter
(suitable for a family of three or four). But woks can be found as small
as 8 inches and as large as 79 inches. Smaller woks are usually used
for quick stir-frying at a high heat. Large woks, over a meter wide, are
mainly used by restaurants for cooking rice or soup, or for boiling
Depending on what type of stove you have, you’ll need either a flat
bottom wok or a round bottom wok. Flat bottom woks are best for cooking
with an electric range. But if you cook on a gas range, the round bottom
wok is a better choice. The flames can wrap around the bottom and sides
allowing for even heat distribution.
Woks come in cast iron, aluminum, carbon steel, stainless steel and
non-stick coatings. Each have their own advantages and purposes.
Traditional Chinese woks are made of cast iron. Thick and heavy, the
iron wok (铁锅 tiěguō) takes more time to heat up, but it conducts heat
evenly and retains heat longer, which makes it perfect for stir-frying
vegetables. For a healthy fry, wait until the oil is hot; drop the
vegetable in and stir-fry quickly at high heat for a short time to
minimize the loss of nutrients. Chinese netizens claim that an iron wok
is a good choice as traces of iron dissolve into the food and help boost
your blood cells.
Ideal as an iron wok seems, it has several drawbacks. Iron rusts
easily so remember to dry the wok thoroughly before and after use. It is
also recommended to avoid cooking acidic foods such as tomatoes in an
iron wok. Chinese foodies claim the acid can react with the iron and
generate a harmful byproduct. And, if you don’t want to see your green
bean soup to turn nasty black, don’t boil green beans in an iron wok
A good alternative to the iron wok is the stainless steel wok (不锈钢
búxiùgāng) which is rustproof and doesn’t have chemical reactions with
acidic foods.
Aluminum woks (铝锅 lǚguō) are a thinner and lighter choice. Although
an excellent heat conductor, aluminum does not retain heat as well as
cast iron or carbon steel. Aluminum is also soft and not as durable. If
you are looking for something light, a better choice is carbon steel
(碳钢锅 tàn’gāngguō) which is thin and durable and can endure high
Coated with Teflon, the non-stick wok (不粘锅 bùzhānguō) is ideal for
steaming, stewing or boiling, but avoid deep frying, pan frying or stir
frying dishes with it. At those temperatures the non-stick coating will
break down into the food. Use this type of wok for making things like
rice porridge. Fill the wok with ten cups of water and add one cup of
rice. Bring to boil, reduce temperature and let simmer for an hour until
the rice is thick and gooey. Great if you have the flu, upset stomach
or relieving those inevitable Chinese banquet hangovers.