Even to this day the masses still do not realize that the Rockefellers, Rothschild’s, Oppenhiemers, Bronfman, DeBeers, etc., used FRONT MEN like George W. Bush for their world domination objectives. They gave him the orders to rearrange the World Order for the financial interest of these ROUNDTABLERS and INTERNATIONAL BANKERS. It is they who pull the purse strings on all world events and international banks and the MONEY CHANGERS are ALL woven together behind many disguises and fronts (Reference: “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300” by John Coleman).
They actually use Freemasonry as one of their FRONTS---Blue Lodge and High Degree Masonry. In the Blue Lodge (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason degrees) are taught about the lost word of Grand Master Hiram Abiff (only three persons was invested with the “Master Word” that was King Solomon, Hiram of Tyree and Hiram Abiff). But the “Master Word” was lost (at the murder of Grand Master Hiram Abiff by three Jewish RUFFIANS) and a substitute word was giving in its place of the “real word”. But we were later taught in Royal Arch Masonry that you are giving “the real word” in these York Rite degrees (Reference: “Freemasonry Interpreted” by Martin L. Wagner).
The “real word” is not even attained at the 33rd degree, the highest degree level in Masonry. The “REAL WORD” is only passed down from the dynastic families which are based on blood linage and wealth. The HIDDEN HAND will never give Freemasonry the “REAL WORD”. The REAL WORD is buried not in a shallow grave with Hiram Abiff nor could it have ever been extorted. It is only passed down by the HIDDEN HAND to their families who for generations were initiated in the concepts of ruler ship, finance, descendents allegiance, power, etc. (Reference: “The New World Order by A. Ralph Epperson).
Eustace Mullins in his book titled, “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London Connection” stated, “The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves; and it is not a system, but rather, a criminal syndicate. It is the product of criminal syndicalist activity of an international consortium of DYNASTICS FAMIL.IES (emphasis the author) comprising what the author terms “The World Order” (see “The New World Order” and the “The Curse of Canaan”, both by Eustaces Mullins). The Federal Reserve System is a central bank operating in the United States. Although the student will find no such definition of a central bank in the textbooks of any university, the author has defined a central bank as follows: It is the dominant financial power of the country which harbors it. It is entirely privately-owned, although it seeks to give the appearance of a governmental institution. It has the right to print and issue money, the traditional prerogative of monarchs. It is set up to provide financing for wars. It functions as a money monopoly having total power over all the money and credit of the people.
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