" The Federal Reserve: A Criminal Cartel in Which The World is Silent. Wall Street is the symptom and not the real cause or problem of the financial crisis that is confronting America and the globe. The real culprits are much bigger and more allusive and deceptive than the Money Changers on Wall Street (the Wall Street gang are nothing but low level operatives).
Most do not know that the wealth of the U.S. and the globe are being horded by a powerful Invisible minority in which the United States Government has all types of legislation and laws (Federal Reserve Act) in place to insure that their wealth monopoly is forever protected and their identities remain anonymous. Yes, our government has signed on with the Invisible Elitist to continuously impoverishing the masses and advance the final solution, which in reality they have already created two classes of people the 'Haves" and 'Have nots'. This phenomenon has increasingly become the 'New Normal'.
The American and global politicians are nothing but low level operatives for the international satanist banking cartels and their corporations.
There are some powerful Invisible Forces who possess the ability to manipulate the political, social and economic reality of the globe a class of men i.e. "Committee of 300" this is where the real decision makers (the Hidden Hand) are.
To ignore the Invisible Rulers would be a mistake of huge magnitude due to the interconnection and layers that the powerbrokers share with high finance, as well as the intricate roles the Dynastic Families have played in shaping the global affairs of humanity.
These men and some women are so powerful that they answer to no one and literally function as sovereign governments with inter and outer insulated circles (deemed untouchable and impenetrable), which ensure that their identities and power (remain a secret) they wield is oblivious to the masses and I believe those same forces who controls the media—electronic and print have systematically led us to focus on the decoys such as Wall Street while the real enemies of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness continues to work their diabolic plans and agenda behind the curtain. These vipers have created a system of debt and use worthless paper (U.S. currency) as the monetary medium of exchange to tie humanity to the greatest con of all times—volunteer slavery. "
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