Eagle Christians
The Lord God, Creator of the universe is a God of variety. Yet,
He states that He created this earth not in vain but with purpose. So
purposeful and meaningful is His creation that we may understand His
eternal power and Godhead through those things that He has made.
Thus, all aspects of His creation have, apart from the fact that they
function to perform His will, an intermeshing with each other in
harmonious accord.
Each part of His creation reveals His wisdom (Psalm 135:5), and reveals His glory and nature. King Solomon, through wisdom, spoke of trees and also of fowl as stated in 1 Kings 4:35. The Gospel is shown in creation as Paul writes in Romans 1:20,
“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are
clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his
eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.”
So, all His creation reveals His glory and it also instructs us, His
creation. The purpose for this article that we want to concentrate our
thoughts and intentions upon are the fowl of the air and in particular
upon the eagle. However, before doing so let us consider the spiritual
significance of some of the other birds.
The Sparrow
Is a symbol of insignificance. Are not two sparrows sold for penny, but yet not one falls to the ground without the Heavenly Father knowing it. Thus, the sparrow speaks of those Christians who feel of little worth yet the eye of the Lord is upon them for good and He cares for them.
Is a symbol of insignificance. Are not two sparrows sold for penny, but yet not one falls to the ground without the Heavenly Father knowing it. Thus, the sparrow speaks of those Christians who feel of little worth yet the eye of the Lord is upon them for good and He cares for them.
The Raven
An unclean bird, was used by God to feed the mighty prophet Elijah. This speaks of the fact that the Lord will use the unclean – the unsaved – to provide for His people.
An unclean bird, was used by God to feed the mighty prophet Elijah. This speaks of the fact that the Lord will use the unclean – the unsaved – to provide for His people.
The Owl
Is a type of human wisdom; an appearance of wisdom but the owl is a bird of the night, as are all those who trust in the wisdom of this world.
Is a type of human wisdom; an appearance of wisdom but the owl is a bird of the night, as are all those who trust in the wisdom of this world.
The Dove
Is a symbol of the Holy Spirit Himself and also of peace. The dove has no gall bladder – the gall bladder being a symbol of bitterness. The dove is also a symbol of faithfulness, mating only once in their lifetime.
Is a symbol of the Holy Spirit Himself and also of peace. The dove has no gall bladder – the gall bladder being a symbol of bitterness. The dove is also a symbol of faithfulness, mating only once in their lifetime.
The Sparrow, The Raven, The Owl and The Dove.
The Eagle
But now we wish to consider the mighty eagle whose head adorns one of
the four living creatures. The eagle is a symbol of the message of the
fourth Gospel, the Gospel of John, which portrays the Lord Jesus Christ
as the Son of God and therefore the eagle portrays the mature sons of
Here are some significant facts concerning the eagle:
- The eagle is a bird of prey. We are called to take the enemy and destroy him. The eagle is especially able to fight, overcome and destroy snakes, which are the symbol of Satan and his hordes. Just as Moses placed a bronze serpent upon the staff and all who looked upon it were healed, so Jesus, upon the Cross, destroyed the power of Satan that old serpent and we are healed.
- The eagle has a telescopic eye and sees things afar off. Thus, the eagle Christians are men and women of vision, who see the goal of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
- Eagles are swift and so does the King’s business demand haste. We cannot dilly-dally in life, taking our time about the Lord’s work. Diligence and application to the ministry are the hallmarks of eagle Christians. They who are zealous for the things of God shall stand before great men.
- The delight of the eagle is the lofty cedars that are a symbol of strength. Eagles dwell and make their nests in the high rocks.
- Eagles symbolize the overcomer, as I trust this experience that I had many years ago will illustrate.
I was experiencing extreme persecution whilst pastoring an
evangelical Church because the Lord had commanded me to preach on the
truths of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Not only did I feel pressure
from many members of the congregation who opposed those truths but also
from many in the town who would cross over on the other side of the
street when they saw me.
One night I had a vision of a long valley and at the other end a
storm was gathering. As it came rushing down the valley gorge with
increasing intensity the sparrows and other birds hid for fear until the
storm would pass. However, at the end of the valley towards which the
storm was bearing down there was a magnificent eagle. As it scented the
storm with its nostrils, far from fleeing and hiding like those smaller
birds, it stretched out its tremendous wings and that storm that sent
lesser birds seeking refuge, was in fact the very means whereby the
eagle would rise to higher heights. It sprang into the storm with a joy
that I felt pulsating in my own heart. I began to understand how the
eagle Christian of old, the Apostle Paul, could triumphantly declare
that he gloried in tribulation.
Beloved, this is the attitude of eagle Christians and look at their
rewards. The Word of God states that those who feed upon His Word shall
renew their youth like the eagle (Psalm 103:5). Those
that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up
with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary and they shall
walk and not faint.
Eagles are symbols of the victorious Kings of Assyria and Babylon,
conquerors of old. They are too, however, symbol’s of God’s kings and
priests who shall triumph gloriously over the storms of life and soar to
higher heights in Him.
Let us, dear ones dwell in Psalm 91:1
under the shadow of our Glorious Eagle King, that we might triumph with
Him over the pestilences and the enemy. Borne upon His Eagle Wings like
Israel of old, we will learn to fly as He does, to soar into Heavenly
places and yet descend with swiftness to destroy the enemy that seeks to
destroy the weaker ones.
In so doing, we will inhabit the mountaintops and yet with vision be
able to see the enemy afar off and wan the younger ones. Oh what joy the
eagle has as he through the storms does soar above life’s viscitudes
triumphantly, using adversity to climb to higher heights and taste of
the powers of the world to come.
May God bless all you eagle and eaglet Christians with glorious days
of victory are ahead. Stretch forth your wings and face the storms of
life and you will more than a conqueror through our Beloved, Jesus, the
Glorious Eagle King.
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