"One has to raise the question of who is really behind the events occurring in Egypt. The true intent of those who have historically advocated revolution was not just interested in removing reactionary dictators (we must understand that Mubarak and other Islamic puppet leaders are just symptoms of the problem and not the cause), but the objective has always been to bring about the complete changing of a system and replacing it with what was deemed as a better form of government or rule that would be responsive to the political, economic and social needs of the masses of the people (a reform led movement will forever fall very short of this objective). Minister Malcolm said it better than anyone else that I could think of, the revolution won't be televised. Let's be clear what's taking place in Egypt is far from a people's revolution, it will not bring about a real change of power nor will it alter the political paradigm in Egypt or the Middle Eastern region.
What you see taking place is artificial and these reformist leaders know that their agenda will not ultimately benefit the Egyptian Lumpenproletariat, but it's designed to further the privileged class of the Egyptian Elitist and further empower the Petit-bourgeois sector—these type movements are never meant to change the status of the have-nots other than furthering their oppression and repression under the pretense of change, as well as, continuing to enrich that 10% bloodsuckers of the poor. The masses have bought into the false propaganda that the so-called Middle East and North Africa (you do know that Egypt, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia are in Africa and not in the so-called Middle East) up risings and we fail to understand that ordinarily that these type political and social events are well crafted and induced in order to benefit the Club of 300 (the hidden Invisible Rulers). "
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