Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Everything on earth is in preparation for Heaven. If you don’t understand what the writer is saying about Abraham as a model of faith, you’ll be perpetually paralyzed and completely frustrated. You must understand that God only leads you one step at a time. He doesn’t tell you what lies around the bend. But even when you get around the bend, you must understand it’s not going to be what you were hoping for, because what you really crave is Heaven.

In spiritual life, the Lord will take you as far as you want to go — and not one step further. If you choose to take one baby step and stop, God will still love you because His love for you is not based on anything you do or don’t do. But if you choose to walk by faith from Ur of the Chaldees all the way to the Land flowing with milk and honey — He’ll be with you every step of the way.

People wonder why some folks are so spiritual, why others seem particularly blessed, why others are mightily used. It’s not that God is playing favorites. It’s just that those who seem to have a special relationship with God are simply those who chose to keep going. Whether it’s in expression of praise, gifts of the Spirit, or aspects of ministry — however far you want to go in spiritual life, God will never say to you, ‘You’re going a little too far. You’re getting a little too spiritual.’ Never.

Saturday, October 27, 2012









  在地震后第三天,因为道路迟迟无法打通,温家宝再次要求伞降。但得到的仍是天气情况不好,无法伞降。在这种气候条件 下,飞机只能提升伞降高度,原因是大型伞无法在低空打开,加上四川灾区多山,算上山的高度,实际跳伞与地面直接距离可能少于1000米,这无疑于将一个个 活生生的人不带降落伞直接扔下去!这时,温家宝总理又一次大吼:我不管你们用什么办法,必须给我进去!”

  正是因为温总理这句话,解放军总参谋部下达了强行伞降的命令。在5000米高空,他们下降前机舱就已经开始结冰,自然 条件非常恶劣。第一批伞降100人只有15人成功跳伞,因为他们配备了翼型降落伞。这15人跳伞前都写下了遗书,他们的名字是:“李振波、王军伟、李志 宝、殷远、郭龙帅、李亚军、赵海东、赵四方、雷志胜、刘文辉、王磊、余亚宾、任涛、李玉山、向海波。”在伞降后他们勘察了地形,认为该地形并不适合大规模 伞降,人员降落后相当分散,不易集中。

  就是这样,温家宝总理的几条命令无异于一次次用官兵们的生命冒险。引起了灾区将军们的集体不满,在之后的抗震救灾中, 总理并不能很好的指挥军队。他把军队上上下下都得罪了,所以不得不换胡锦涛主席来灾区替换。这就引出了为什么胡锦涛主席到了灾区主要新闻都是慰问官兵,接 见官兵指挥等活动。

  在这里我想说的是,总理没错,将军们也没错。总理在发生地震后将近48小时无人进入灾区心急如焚,为了灾区人民的利 益,向部队下达死命令。而这些命令对于懂得战地知识的将军们来讲,无疑于一道道鬼门关等待他们的士兵。明知不可为而为之。如果第一天就强行跳伞,如果第三 天携带圆形伞的伞兵也跳伞,那只会增加一具具无畏的尸体。


Thursday, October 25, 2012


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

To whom did God say, ‘You shall not enter into the rest, the Promised Land, the abundance of milk and honey’? I would have thought it would have been to those who worshipped idols, to those who didn’t have morning devotions, to immoral men, or to those who didn’t offer sacrifices. Yet, in reality, the only thing which kept the children of Israel from the Promised Land was their lack of faith.

This is critically important theology, for the singular sin which kept them from blessing was simply thinking God’s promise was just too good to be true. Precious people, you can live the abundant, Spirit-filled, successful, exciting, thrilling Christian life if, instead of saying, ‘God can’t bless me because I haven’t been to Bible study,’ or, ‘I’ve been yelling at my husband,’ or, ‘I haven’t had morning devotions regularly,’ you say, ‘I’m a spiritual grasshopper, Lord. But if You want to bring me into this great land of blessing, I’ll gladly go in!’

The sin of Hebrews 3 is singular. It’s not fornication, as destructive as that sin may be. It’s not idolatry, as sad as that sin is. It’s just not believing how good God is.

Recently home from Bible School, Peter John shared with me how passionate he and his friends are about seeing their generation brought into the Kingdom. ‘So I get up early in the morning and pray and spend time in the Word. I do so good for about three or four days,’ he said. ‘But then I get tired. I sleep in. I miss my devotional time. And I don’t go to prayer meeting.’ With tears running down his cheeks, this football-playing son of mine said, ‘Dad, I want to do so well, and I’m not.’

‘Peter,’ I said, ‘when you learn the lesson which took me years and years to understand, you’ll be on your way. And that lesson is simply this: blessing, anointing, ministry, fruitfulness, and victory are not about you.

'It’s not about the work you do for the Lord; it’s about the work He did for you. It’s not about your prayer to the Lord; it’s about His intercession for you. It’s not about your faith in the Lord; it’s about His being faithful when you falter. It’s all about Him being the Hero, the Prayer Warrior, the Victor, the Friend, and the Faithful One.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Jesus calls all who are weary and heavy laden to voluntarily, willingly take His yoke upon them. And all who do, find freedom in their labor for Him. That’s why Paul said, 'I am a bondslave' — a slave by choice (Romans 1:1). Marriage proves this point, for it is, in a sense, slavery. And it can either be glorious or miserable, depending on with whom you are linked!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Telling his contemporaries as well as those younger and older than him the truth would probably not have been easy for Titus. And it may not always be easy for you. But if you’re a boss, a Bible study teacher, a parent, or a coach there are times when you need to speak the truth, as hard as it may be.

Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord ... See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant. Jeremiah 1:6-8,10

That’s what moms and dads, pastors and grandparents, bosses and coaches have to do sometimes. We’re called to pull down in order that we may build up.

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Psalm 51:7-9
As a shepherd, David understood the meaning of broken bones. You see, when a lamb would stubbornly and rebelliously continue to wander away from the flock, the shepherd would break its legs and place the lamb on his shoulder where it would remain until its bones were healed. When the lamb could walk again, so bonded was he with the shepherd, he would never stray again.

Like sheep, we all go astray (Isaiah 53:6). Therefore, in His love, the Good Shepherd breaks a bone or two and carries me while I whine and cry and wonder what He’s doing. But as the days and weeks and months go by, I find myself closer to Him than I had ever been previously, and all I can say is, ‘Thank You, Lord.’

Part of shepherding means breaking a bone or two. Thus, Titus would have to speak words that could cause tears to flow or bones to snap. But he could do so with authority, knowing it was an opportunity for the wounded sheep to one day walk with its Shepherd more intimately.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Toxicity of fluoride ion comes from its affinity to Calcium. When it enters the blood stream, it binds ionized Calcium, making it unavailable to support the vital functions of the organism.
Just ONE GRAM can cause a severe paralysis and brain damage. (this is for an adult of average size).

However, its affinity to Calcium can also be used to precipitate fluoride ions in water by adding soluble Calcium salt to it.
Calcium and fluoride ions would then bind together, producing Calcium fluoride, which is practically insoluble.
Very low solubility of Calcium fluoride means a very limited "bioavailability". Poison is thus effectively neutralized.

The easiest way to make a food-grade soluble Calcium salt is by putting eggshells into a container and pouring vinegar in it.

After a day or two, depending on temperature, all vinegar would be consumed (provided there was enough eggshells) and you would get a solution of soluble Calcium salt.

This is a traditional Calcium supplement, which was recommended for pregnant and lactating women to help them preserve their teeth as a result of an increased demand for Calcium.

However, if you decide to use it as a Calcium supplement, then you should keep in mind that Calcium should always be taken with Magnesium, with an optimal ratio being about 1:1.
Most commercial Calcium supplements are sold in combination with Magnesium.

However, even though you can neutralize fluorides this way, it is of little help against other contaminants.

The stuff that is used for water fluoridation is not pharmaceutical grade, often it is unprocessed sediment, which is collected from the wet flue scrubbers in metal smelters and pesticide plants and includes many very dangerous contaminants - arsenic, mercury, cadmium, lead, to name just a few.

Solubility of Calcium fluoride in water at 20°C is 17 parts per million (ppm) or 17 milligrams per liter of water.
This solubility figure refers to a concentrated solution, since this is the only "stable" solubility number.
Numbers below the concentrated solution figure can be anything and are certainly not suitable as a reference point to evaluate solubility.

If the total available pool of fluoride ions can "only" produce water with a concentration of 1ppm, then, after adding enough soluble Calcium salt to overwhelm all the available fluoride ions, there would be no more "unattached" fluoride ions in that water, since Calcium ions would bind a corresponding number of fluoride ions, and if the number of Calcium ions is higher, they would bind all those fluoride ions and there would be no residual solubility from Calcium fluoride.

This is described at

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

“A more certain way to attack religion is by favor, by the comforts of life, by the hope of wealth; not by what reminds one of it, but by what makes one forget it; not by what makes one indignant, but by what makes men lukewarm, when other passions act on our souls, and those which religion inspires are silent. In the matter of changing religion, State favors are stronger than penalties.”
The Spirit of the Laws, Baron de Montesquieu (1748)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

‘Before you were born, I knew you and ordained you to be a prophet,’ the Lord replied. ‘I will put My words on your lips — and you shall go,' (Jeremiah 1:5,9)

So Jeremiah did. And what happened? He eventually ended up in a dungeon.

‘Okay, Lord,’ he said. ‘Yes, You commanded me. Yes, You anointed me. But people aren’t responding. No one is getting saved.’

So Jeremiah decided to quit prophesying, to quit sharing — until he realized that the Word of God was like fire in his bones and that he could not keep quiet (Jeremiah 20:9).

Maybe like Jeremiah, or perhaps like Paul, you feel imprisoned and are tempted to throw in the towel, to quit sharing the Gospel with people since none seem to respond. But if you do, the Word of God will burn in your heart as surely as it did in Jeremiah’s, and, like Paul, you will realize you have no choice in the matter, for you are under the command of God. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you. And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you ...

1 Thessalonians 3:11-12
There come points in my walk when I say, ‘You know, I’m doing pretty good.’ I get comfortable as apathy begins to creep into my heart. And the Spirit, speaking through Paul, would give this exhortation to me: ‘Jon, the Lord make you to increase. I rejoice in what’s happening in your life, but may your love for Me grow to an ever-deepening measure.’

‘Moab hath been at ease from his youth, and he hath settled on his lees, and hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel' (Jeremiah 48:11).

The reference is to the way wine was made in Jeremiah’s day whereby the winemaker would pick grapes, put them in a vat, stomp on them to get the juice flowing, and then pour the juice into a vessel, wherein the wine sat until the lees, or dregs, settled to the bottom.

The winemaker would then pour the wine into another vessel, leaving the dregs behind, where it would sit while more dregs settled. This process was repeated up to six times, until the end result was wine without any dregs — wine which was pure and sparkling.

"I was just getting comfy," we cry, "when my:
Boss said, ‘You’re through,’
Girlfriend said, ‘Goodbye,’
Coach said, ‘On the bench.’"

‘Great!’ the Lord says. ‘I want to refine and use you as the wine of My Spirit flows through you. But for that to happen, there will be regular seasons where you are poured. Otherwise you’ll become cloudy and dull, as you settle in your lees — and I love you too much for that.’

Saturday, October 6, 2012

By Ryan Vanderstelt

Where are you, church? Are you reading this? Are you as ready as I am to go home? If you are anything like me, you have been waiting a LONG time for Christ to return. We have been standing in the train terminal with our bags packed, peering down the tracks for the faintest glimmer of light, testing the ground for that particular tremor and waiting for the sound of that glorious call. 

We watch for Feasts. We watch for the planets and stars to be in the right positions and the right color. We watch for those things while we hold our breath: “Is this it? Is it going to be tonight? Maybe while I sleep tonight? Will I wake up to glory…or just wake up?”

And yet, here…we...are, still standing in the train station checking our watches. Is the train late? We don’t know. He gave us some indications of when to expect him and we see those indications all around us, but still no train home. 

The truth is, there is something lacking that we, myself included, seem to be overlooking─the one thing He said would hasten His arrival. We are waiting on some passengers to arrive at the station. We cannot expect to go until there are enough of us to fill the train to capacity. So instead of looking at all the things that are swirling around us, things we can all see are pointing to His return, I make the following proposal:

I want to form an “army” of sorts. A kind of “army of God.” Please hear me out. I can hear the rustlings in your mind thinking this smacks of the Middle Age Crusades─but I don’t mean exactly that. I am tired of waiting. It is time we start DOING! 

How many Rapture Ready articles have you read in the last year where the author puts out a heart-wrenching plea for the church to “wake up, time is short”? Well, I for one have been awake for a long time now, and I am ready to move! Will you join me? Consider this seriously. I want no knee-jerk responses here. 

If you are not right with God, GET RIGHT before you make that decision. If you go to church, but you are not part of the church, I am not talking to you. If you are looking for some way to bring some form of glory for yourself, to have people gawk and stare and applaud you at how “holy” you can be─you too can dismiss yourself from the rest of this “call to arms.”
I need prayer warriors to go ahead of us as we march. Send your mighty prayers out ahead of us and thrash those minions of our enemy like you were wielding a God-powered wood chipper. Ask God to bring the hedges of protection round about us as we go out looking for those stragglers and point them to the train station. Prayer warriors─you are our front line, you are our Marines. 

Next in line, I need those who have a strong knowledge of the Word: Evangelists, Bible study hounds─this is you. I need your strength in wielding the sword of truth. There will be those God allows past the hedges of our prayer warriors, They are getting through for a reason, and it is your adeptness in the inspired Word of God we will need to present them with our purpose for being on the move.

I need those with strong hearts of love, caring and compassion. The Evangelists are going to turn the lives of those they touch upside down. They will probably be a bit shaken and we need your special, God-given capacity for showing REAL love, REAL caring─the very nature of God, to those getting through the lines. 
Those of you with a real gift of patience and discipleship, I need you intermixed with our loving group. When those we reach make their decision for our King, they will need people to be at the ready, day or night to answer those haunting questions and to carry them through while they strengthen.

Remember, these will be babes in the new life. They will need your comfort and protection─like a baby being rescued from a burning building. It will be difficult for a while, but if you play your part and use the gift you were given, soon they will begin to carry some of their own weight and eventually be able to help you carry others. 

I am not done. We ARE the hands and feet, but we are also the legs and arms, heart and mind and the many, many other parts. For those of you who look at the roster above and think, “I’m not gifted in any of those areas, I guess I am not needed, I can play no part,” I want you to stop right there.  The time for pity parties has long passed.

Do you have strength in Media? Getting the word out? Making videos, writing letters, sending email, answering mail, making documents, doing graphic art, making music─heck, if you can lick a stamp we can use you! But you must be serious about this! You must be ready to give your all in front of God, the world and all of creation. 

Are you worried what your friends will think, or your co-workers, or strangers? Then this is not for you. Step aside to let the others through. If along the way your courage strengthens, we will be happy to use whatever gift you can share for the cause.

Will this be easy? Not likely. This is spiritual warfare people and I intend to make some waves. I want the enemy to see us coming and wet themselves as they tremble. If you do this, the world is going to turn on you like a rabid wolf and be looking for ways to silence you and rip you to shreds in the same breath.

The enemy will attempt to infiltrate, deceive, frustrate and confuse─BUT WE ARE THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD! We are HIS CHILDREN! We are the bride of our KING─CHRIST JESUS─Yeshua. What do you think the enemy possibly has to break-up that power?

NOTHING, that’s what! The enemy has gotten away long enough putting a straw man in scary clothes before us, and telling us to be quiet and turn back─or else. I will tell you what that “or else” is: If we DON’T “be Quiet” and we DON’T turn back, then we grab a kingdom full of souls out of the devil’s filthy hands! I kinda like that “or else,” how about you?

God has already told us we are warriors─we just need to stand up and take our positions on the front line. And I for one am ready to start. Doggone it let the sleepers sleep. We can make enough noise to rouse some along the way. Who among you is ready to TRULY believe on God like you say you do, ready to rest on His promises to prosper us and not harm us if we make His will, our will?

Who will join me in this? Email me, let me know you are ready and what gifts you have been blessed with.

Let us stop fighting amongst ourselves and trying to be “glory hogs.” Let us come together, as one─for the One, for the King and our heavenly country! Let’s go get these stragglers. Let’s go HOME and let us bring as many along for the ride as we can!

Trials don’t make or break us. They simply reveal what’s inside .

Thursday, October 4, 2012

For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? For ye are our glory and joy.

1 Thessalonians 2:19-20
'Yes, we’ve been beaten up in the city,’ writes Paul. ‘Yes, we’ve been chased down by envious Jews. Yes, we’re going through real persecution. But you know what? It’s all worth it because you’re getting saved.’

The greatest joy in the world comes from seeing someone:

For whom you’ve been praying,
With whom you’ve been sharing,
To whom you’ve been witnessing,
Receive Christ.

Jesus tells us when one person is saved, all of Heaven rejoices (Luke 15:7). Truly, joy and evangelism go hand in hand. Thus, my prayer is that we would never lose sight of the privilege, priority, and pure joy of sharing the Good News with people who don’t know Jesus.