Sunday, November 13, 2011

It is not good works which help unbelievers grasp who Christ truly is and the urgency to get saved through Him.

Every christian's ability to correlate bible prophecy and current world affairs,  interpret them for non believers when necessary help make a difference to their eternal destinies.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"There are varied and different moves being made on the global chessboard and the Invisible Rulers have mastered the art of deception and propaganda in order to keep us sheep in line and in control (for centuries they have done a good job at this). Many of my thoughts comes from a life body of research and experience in which has led me to think outside the box and confront my own fears relative to the possibility of "What if" (many choose to dismiss the notion of "conspiracy") and my empirical findings have led me to accept that there are powerful hidden forces driving humanity which is unknowing to humanity (the sheep does not even know that they have been hoodwinked and cabletowe). The New World Order and global agenda is real and there are many major (really not many major players 12 Dynastic families that control the world) and minor players (low level operatives) who are responsible for carrying out their bidding. You are right, no one person or group of people have all the answers to the puzzle, but through visiting different sites and engaging certain research this allows us to at least consider knowledge and information, which may further assist us in connecting the dots and making more sense out of these well thought out agendas and plans being put forth by the enemy of truth. "

Fahim Knight
File:Blick auf Nebra (Unstrut).JPG

skies divided by man made cloudes

The Nebra Star Disc: A key to heaven

It eclipses Stonehenge, keeps up with Ötzi's enthralling history and was sold by tomb raiders for foolish 15.000 Euros like a luxury Frisbee to a fence: Researchers now reveal the secret of the mysterious "Nebra Star Disc".

The phenomenal, still disputed Nebra Star Disc tomb raider trove
Picture by State Office of Archeology Sachsen-Anhalt/Juraj Lipták
Dr. Harald Meller still sounds exited if he talks about the totally whimsical movie-like story of February 23 in 2002, when he suddenly in the Hilton's basement café in Basel happened to hold the oldest delineation of the sky in his hands: "Circa 50 German and Swiss detectives were alert, to catch the fence or the fences. And I already felt very queasy, because they lost sight of us. Anyway the guy wanted 380.000 Euros for the two kilos heavy bronze disc, which covered with a towel he was hiding under his shirt. That's why I assumed he is gun-toting. The fence has outwitted the police, that's why my cell phone with which I should send the mission signal didn't work in the basement. Only when I deceitfully put an urgent need on as an emergency and from the toilette was able to send my signal, he got caught in the trap..."
But the tremulousness was worthwhile: The ominous dirty disc was not only genuine, but one of the most sensational archeological troves of Europe. Because the with gold plate in the bronze disc applied almost childish looking delineation of moon and stars is not only the oldest image of the firmament, but also a precise instrument which is able to exactly mark out the days of solstice, which in the early bronze age were important for sowings and harvest and for the cattle drovers. An amazingly progressive key for the heaven, which beside its practical benefit was also a symbol of power for the reigning princes of that time.

This is how one can imagine the world view portrayed on the Nebra Star Disc

What the experts are enthusiastic about aside from that: According to the disc's delineation, the "Cupola World View" of the Greek of Thales of Milet from circa 600 BC was already prevalent in Europe more than 1000 years before the great mathematician and philosopher. The disc was already apparently 400 years in use, before it was added to a grave circa 1600 BC so they found out: People at that time apparently had imagined the earth as a disc with a stars adorned firmament above and a barque, leading the sun back to its starting point after its daily way on heaven. Such a sun ship, which happened to be also the old world view of Egypt, is also visible on the Southern edge of the Nebra disc.
A Team of about 15 people around the archeologist Prof. Meller, the astronomer Prof. Wolfhard Schlosser and the Austrian metal expert Prof. Ernst Pernicka has now analyzed the sensational trove of Mittelberg in the German federal state Sachsen-Anhalt with all the means of most modern science. In doing so there were some surprises. They found out, that the copper in the bronze alloy doesn't come from the habitat, but supposedly its origin is the nearly 400 kilometers distant ore mine Mitterberg on the Hochkönig of Salzburg. The gold stems from the nowadays Rumanian Transylvania. The fancy method with which it was applied to the disc, was until now only known from the contemporary region of Greece and Turkey.

Archeologist Dr. Harald Meller with his most valuable exhibit, the Nebra Star Disc in the German State Museum of Prehistory
Picture by State Office of Archeology Sachsen-Anhalt

"Somehow", so Dr. Meller in the interview: "there must have been a kind of technology transfer up to the Northern part of Europe, about we do not no anything yet. Because the astronomic dates, the image of the Pleiades asterism with a link to the two gold crescents in the East and in the West (one of them has been lost: see picture above)with their meter angle of exactly 82.5 degrees are only valid here around the region of Nebra. If the disc for example would have been produced in Austria or in the Mediterranean area, then both of the crescents would have come shorter as a result of the somehow different course of the sun."
Not much older than Nebra's key of heaven, which should have been used since circa 2000 BC is another star of the European prehistory: the legendary stone monuments of Stonehenge in Southern England, which around ca. 2100 until 1600 BC was not only a cult site, but also indicator for the days of solstice and alternation of day and night in the annual calendar.

The Nebra Star Disc during its restoration and detective dating experiment

In spite of the amazing measuring instruments and although Babylonians, Egyptians and Chinese already a thousand years before Christ calculated the year with 365 days and knew the leap years through solely observing the sun, moon and the stars, the earth and not the sun was believed to be the center of the world view until Copernicus and Galileo in the 16th and 17th century. And even if the Greek revolutionary Pythagoras claimed already 550 BC that the earth should be a globe, the picture of the world as a disc from which one could fall down, stayed obstinately in the mind of many men up to the medieval age.
By the way the "Nebra Star Disc" is to be seen in the German State Museum of Prehistory in Halle from October 2004 until spring 2005. And as Austrian after all there is a patriotic little thing, which one is ahead of German exhibition visitors: The oldest heaven of the world wouldn't mean anything indeed without copper from Austria...

The Secrets of the Star Disk
A small metal disc is rewriting the epic saga of how civilisation first came to Europe, 3600 years ago.
When grave robbers ransacked a Bronze Age tomb in Germany, they had no idea that they had unearthed the find of a lifetime. But they knew that it was worth selling. It was a small bronze disc of exquisite design. So they contacted the archaeologist Harald Meller, offering to sell it to him for £300,000.
Meller went deep into the criminal underworld and, after a police sting, he got his disc. It depicted the sun, the moon and the stars. This suggested an understanding of the heavens greater than that of the first great civilisations, like Egypt. Could it possibly be real?
After exhaustive tests, the disc was declared genuine. Then a team of crack scientists pieced together what it meant. What emerged is a true marvel.
This disc, it seems, is a Bronze Age Bible, combining an advanced understanding of the stars with some of the most sophisticated religious imagery of the age. In intellectual achievement and also age, it surpasses anything yet found in Egypt or Greece. It seems that civilisation had already dawned in Europe.
The CIA-British Intelligence networks fund drug research (in other words the public do) to find more and more effective ways of suppressing consciousness and will. This includes vaccinationsfood additives, and electromagnetic techniques. One of the centres involved in drug research for the CIA is the California Medical Facility at Vacaville where the work was done by Dr Arthur Nugent. Countless experiments have been carried out and continue to be so.

They include the use of mind controlling drugs on servicemen at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland (since exposed in a television documentary). One of the experiments is in Haiti where the Vodoun cult, a CIA-front, has turned most of the people into little more than zombies.

Prozac is a drug that constantly appears in research into these matters and it is not confined to individual mind control projects, it is being issued like confetti by doctors who serve the profits and ambitions of the drug cartel instead of their patient’s wellbeing. It is one of the world’s most prescribed drugs for depression and, as I write, Eli Lilly is seeking approval to market a version of Prozac for children in peppermint and orange flavours. Already some 400,000 youngsters under 18 are being treated with Prozac in the United States alone and that is just the start. This is a mass mind control operation we are seeing here, creating a race of zombies like the ones in Haiti.

Eli Lilly is closely connected to the Morgan and Rockefeller networks, US Intelligence, and George Bush. Other pharmaceutical companies involved in drug research for the mind control projects include:
  • Sterling Drug (a spin-off from Hitler’s I. G. Farben) which is connected to the bloodline family, the Krupps, the CIA’s Tinker Foundation, and the Order of St John of Jerusalem
  • Monsanto Chemical Company where the president Earle H. Harbison Jr is also president of the Mental Health Association and director of the infamous Bethesda General Hospital where slaves are programmed for a mind control operation called Project Monarch.8 Monsanto is heavily involved with genetically manipulated food
MK stands for mind control; they used the German spelling of kontrolle in deference to the German Nazis who inspired the methods and techniques. It was headed, officially, by Ewen Cameron, an extremely sick individual, and a member of one of the Elite Scottish reptilian bloodlines. His favorite book as a child wasFrankenstein which, he said, inspired him to follow a career in psychiatry. From his base in Montreal, Canada, he coordinated the infamous MKUltra mind control operation with funding from familiar names like the Rockefellers and he had regular meetings with Allen Dulles and the CIA.

One of Cameron’s institutions administered 60,000 electrical shocks to patients in one year alone: 1961. Cameron’s code name was ‘Dr White’ and indeed colour was part of his research. He was trying to discover how to make brown eyes blue. Can it really be a coincidence that the country singer, Crystal Gayle, who is reported to be a mind controlled slave,7 made a hit record called Don’t It Make Your Brown Eyes Blue?

Many of the rituals and methods employed in the mind control projects are inspired by the ancient mystery schools. Admiral Stanfield Turner, the Director of the CIA, admitted publicly in 1977 that millions of dollars had been spent studying voodoo, witchcraft and psychics, and at the Senate hearing on August 3rd 1977, he said that the CIA had been mind controlling countless people without their consent or knowledge.

MKUltra had involved at least 185 scientists, 80 US institutions, among them prisons, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and 44 medical colleges and universities. Some 700 drugs are used by the Babylonian Brotherhood’s mad professors in their mind control projects to create their human robots. This is why so many drugs were found at the Jonestown Compound in Guyana in 1978 when ‘cult’ members were murdered in their hundreds.

The People’s Temple ‘cult’ was created by CIA operative, Jim Jones. It was not a new religion as portrayed in the media, it was a mind control experiment. See the chapter Cult or Con in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free. Drugs have been used since ancient times to mind manipulate people and take them into altered states of consciousness. They can also suppress the will and allow what is called ‘demonic possession’.
An Interview with Gary Allen by John Rees  
WHILE majoring in history at Stanford University, Gary Allen became involved in "power-structure research" on the U.S. banking and corporate elites and their roles in shaping the course of U.S. political and economic policies during this century. Over the last 20 years he has become the leading authority on secretive Establishment organizations including the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Mr. Allen's commentaries appear regularly in American Opinion magazine, of which he is a contributing editor. His nine books include None Dare Call It Conspiracy, with more than five million copies in print . . ..
Q. Mr. Allen, you have been investigating and writing about the U.S. financial, industrial, and political elite for nearly 20 years. In examining the inner circles of economic power in America, particularly the Trilateral Commission and the much older Council on Foreign Relations, you were pretty much alone until recently. Then, starting with the close of Jimmy Carter's first year as President, a number of articles began appearing in mass-circulation magazines raising serious questions about this elite and its interest groups. Recently a mass news magazine noted that George Bush's membership in the Trilateral Commission may disqualify him in the eyes of most rank and file Republicans. How did this change in the public's awareness of the Trilateral Commission come about?
A. It has been the result of a slow and careful education process. We did the research and laid the groundwork and waited. As we did so, Jimmy Carter appointed a score or so of Trilateralists to the top posts in his Administration. To deny the authority of our analysis, which had predicted this, became more and more difficult. It couldn't be ignored. Those who tried to do so looked like Jimmy Durante trying to steal a circus elephant, getting caught, and responding: 'What elephant?"
In short: The situation became too obvious to ignore and people ran out of rationalizations.
Q. How did you become involved in investigating the Trilateral group?
A. My interest in power-structure research dates back long before David Rockefeller organized the Trilateral Commission in 1972. Its immediate antecedents are the Council on Foreign Relations (C.F.R.) and the Bilderbergers. The former is a secretive group of American-based bankers, academics, and industrialists that has controlled U.S. foreign policy since Franklin Roosevelt. The latter, equally exclusive and secretive, is composed of top United States and European bankers and corporate and political leaders. The Council on Foreign Relations has been run from New York since its founding after World War I. The Bilderbergers have been secretly meeting annually at plush international spas for the past 28 years to coordinate economic, commercial, and political policies.
The first of the post-war writers to examine the Council on Foreign Relations and the policies it advocated, promoted, and eventually turned into official U.S. policy was Dan Smoot, who published The Invisible Government in 1963. This important book was essentially a reference manual on the structure of the C.F.R., listing its membership, its satellite organizations, and its goals.
The next major breakthrough was developed by Don Bell, who had been publishing a newsletter for 27 years on secret arrangements and agreements made by the international banking community. Bell obtained and excerpted sections of Professor Carroll Quigley's 1,450-page Tragedy And Hope, a history of the first half of the Twentieth Century. Less than 100 pages in that book deal with international banking, but they proved to be dynamite.
Q. What was so special about the Quigley study?
A. Professor Quigley was a part of the Council on Foreign Relations elite. He came to the group via Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and the Georgetown School of Foreign Service. And he was so trusted that he was given access to the archives of the C.F.R. Quigley reached the conclusion, based on the archival material, that the international banking community was manipulating not only the great corporations to which it made loans, and whose stocks it held, but also the foreign and domestic policies of the U.S. Government.
Q. Just why was the Trilateral Commission formed?
A. As Trilateral officials are happy to admit, the Commission was entirely the idea of David Rockefeller, who is chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank. The Trilateralists say Rockefeller was worried about the increasing commercial competition between the United States and the combined industries of Japan and Western Europe. His idea was that if the three industrial superpowers -- Japan, the United States, and Western Europe -- could form some sort of industrial cartel they could sit down quietly and carve up the globe into economic areas of influence, nipping price competition in the bud.
Q. And when was the Trilateral flag first run up the pole?
A. Rockefeller tapped Michael Blumenthal, then chairman of the Bendix Corporation, to bring up the idea at the spring 1972 Bilderberger meeting. Since it had Rockefeller's sponsorship, and since in those circles Rockefeller had the authority of a Pope in dealing with the Curia, it wasn't long before the Trilateral Commission was in operation under Rockefeller associate Zbigniew Brzezinski. Blumenthal and Brzezinski, of course, were later moved into respective control of Treasury and National Security under the Carter Administration. Jimmy Carter got his job through the Trilateral Commission.
Q. You covered the 1976 Carter campaign as a journalist and wrote your book Jimmy Carter/Jimmy Carter to warn that the Carter campaign was a wholly owned Rockefeller subsidiary. How did all of that work?
A. First, David Rockefeller began personally to cast about for a suitable man who could be a viable candidate. Assorted polls tested the temper of the American people as Nixon and longtime Rockefeller family retainer Henry Kissinger prepared to abandon Southeast Asia to the Communists and open the door to Red China. When the Watergate scandal was sprung it became clear that David needed a credible Democrat. The idea was to come up with a "progressive" Southern governor who could sound both Conservative and "Liberal" at the same time and court both the white and black votes of the big city machines. By the fall of 1973, Rockefeller had reduced his list to two such candidates: Florida governor Reubin Askew and former Georgia governor Jimmy Carter. They were invited to dine with David Rockefeller and Trilateral administrator Zbigniew Brzezinski at Rockefeller's Tarrytown, New York, estate. Jimmy Carter got the nod soon afterward.
As Zbigniew Brzezinski later put it in an interview: "We [he and David Rockefeller] were impressed with Carter." What impressed them was not his independence.
Q. But I remember that even former governor Terry Sanford made an abortive try for the Presidential nomination during this period. Why did Askew and Sanford fail where Jimmy Carter succeeded?
A. Apparently Rockefeller and Brzezinski thought Carter was more reliable. Carter showed overwhelming ambition. And he was possessed of the kind of ruthlessness that David and his friends understand. This made him vulnerable. It included conniving with his own personal banker, Bert Lance, to funnel the money of hank depositors into the Carter peanut business and into the bank accounts of Lance associates and family members. to finance Carter's campaign while waiting for matching federal funds. The illegalities were enough to send the whole gang to jail. And the key to exposure was in the hands of David Rockefeller and his fellow banking insiders.
Q. So "Jimmy Who" moved on to become President of the United States.
A. What was especially interesting for me to watch as a journalist was the way in which the major media, particularly Time magazine, promoted Carter. After Time devoted a flattering 1971 cover photo to him as a progressive Southern governor, it used that cover photo in all of Time's ads in other magazines through 1975. Time's reports on the Carter campaign were so adulatory that they could scarcely be differentiated from the campaign's own literature. And heavy promotion was going on at a time when polls showed only five percent of registered Democrats favored Carter for the nomination. If that sounds to you like a replay of what is happening with George Bush, another Trilateralist, you are catching on.
Q. What does the Trilateral group do? That is, what function does it serve?
A. The purpose of the Trilateral Commission, and also of the larger and older Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberger groups, is to use concentrated wealth to exert world power. The individuals involved are the most influential of all the "old boy" networks outside the Soviet Union and Red China.
The Trilateralists made their objective very clear in their 1974 report called "The Crisis of Democracy." Let me quote for you some of this remarkable document produced by the organization to which President Carter, Vice President Mondale, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and George Bush all belong.
The Trilateral report defined the "predominant trends" that started in the 1960s. It expressed alarm at "the challenging of the authority of established political, social, and economic institutions, increased popular participation in and control over those institutions, [and] a reaction against the concentration of power of Congress and of state and local government."
Q. In other words, the Trilateralists are afraid that the voters are no longer so apathetic that they will indifferently accept whatever their "betters" cast down on them?
A. That's the inescapable conclusion. The same report bewailed increased citizen participation in public affairs because the government, "short of a cataclysmic crisis," now has "little ability to impose on its people the sacrifices which may be necessary to deal with foreign-policy problems and defense."
They seem to have forgotten that in a real crisis, if we have a leader really trying to do what is right for our country and ourselves, it is not necessary to "impose" anything. We voluntarily do what is necessary.
These top-level financial and political managers are very big on imposing this and that to deal with one created crisis after another. They see our representative government as the cause of the "problems of governance." In fact this Trilateral report asserts that our democratic republic "is only one way of constituting authority, and it is not necessarily a universally applicable one. In many situations, the claims of expertise, seniority, experience and special talents may override the claims of democracy as a way of constituting authority . . . . The arenas where democratic procedures are appropriate are, in short, limited."
Q. Isn't that reminiscent of the arguments of hereditary aristocracies or even the Communist Politburo?
A. Precisely, only they would establish an aristocracy or Politburo of technocrats selected by the top financial managers and Establishment insiders. The key to fulfillment of their plans for centralized power is that they must first find a way to get us to surrender our liberties in the name of some common threat or crisis. The foundations, educational institutions, and research think-tanks supported by members of the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations oblige by financing so-called "studies" which are then used to justify their every excess. The excuses vary but the target is always individual liberty. Our liberty.
Control necessitates a static society. A growing, competitive, and free society gives new people a chance to make their fortune and replace some of those already at the top. So legislation is promoted to restrict entrepreneurial effort and tax away capital accumulations not protected in the tax-free foundations of the Establishment insiders. Every effort is made to press medium-size business to the wall and allow it to be swallowed up by the Establishment giants. This sort of thing covers a broad range. Another response has been to finance campaigns for birth control -- not for poverty-stricken Third World countries that can't feed themselves, but for Middle Americans. Their hostility for the private car, that assures our freedom of mobility, is legendary. And what do they do if someone wants to build a business, open a new mine, develop competing petroleum resources, build vacation houses, and so forth? Why there's a foundation-funded ecology group shouting and filing subsidized lawsuits to block the development.
Q. This seems almost incredible. What is the quality of the evidence?
A. Let me continue to quote the conclusions of that Trilateral Commission report I cited earlier. The recommendations this group proposed "to restore a more equitable relationship between governmental authority and popular control" include the following. I quote:
* centralized economic and social planning;
* centralization of power within Congress...;
* a program . . to lower the job expectations of those who receive a college education;
* such limitations on freedom of the press as "prior restraint "of what newspapers may publish in unspecified "unusual circumstances," the assurance "to the government [of] the right and the ability to withhold information at the source," "moving promptly to reinstate the law of libel as a necessary and appropriate check upon the abuses of power by the press," and press councils enforcing "standards of professionalism," the "alternative [to which] could well be regulation by the government."
Remember, my friend, these are formal Trilateral proposals.
Q. That part about "press councils" to control journalists and their publications is a real shocker to me. Last October I heard the Washington correspondent for the official Soviet Government newspaper Izvestia deliver a commentary over taxpayer-funded National Public Radio recommending precisely such a body. But then, haven't there been charges that what the Trilateralists and Council on Foreign Relations intend is their own version of socialism -- that they seek state control over the economy and over broad areas of people's lives that now are a matter of individual choice?
A. Yes, this super-elite of international bankers and multinational business executives and their aides and staff do promote socialism. This is the apparent contradiction that deceives many Americans. After all, if businessmen and bankers are the mainstays of our Free Enterprise system, how can the biggest and most important of them support socialism? Ideological Marxists have their own problems understanding this. The Red ideologues usually convince themselves that ultimately, after a period of great social pain and revolution, socialism will be proved to be a humanitarian system that abolishes poverty, work, illness, crime, and whatever else is on their list of social ills. But the fact is that socialism is only a system for control, and the members of the Establishment elite operating out of New York and Washington understand socialism much better than do the Marxists.
The believing Marxists have always joined in supporting Big Government because they understand that it leads to socialism. Yet their Welfare and regulation programs have been pushed through Congress with the full backing of the Establishment. This has occurred because the Establishment insiders know that socialism is not a humanitarian system for redistributing wealth, but a system for concentrating wealth and controlling people. Socialism is nothing more or less than a power system -- a power system with quasi-mystical and demonstrably false philosophical premises.
The suggestions of the Trilateral report, "The Crisis of Democracy," are just about the most cultured and genteel proposals for socialist dictatorship I've ever seen. Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao are illiterate boors by comparison.
The great international bankers and industrialists do not favor competition. What they favor is the formation of cartels and monopolies to control world finance, markets, and natural resources. The Communists, led by the Soviet Union, have basically identical goals on the level of world power. What is more natural than for the Western monopolists to divvy up these spheres with the Communist monopolists of the East? There is a great deal more to it than that, but I think I've made my point.
Q. Getting back to the domestic machinations of this elite, Mr. Allen, I note you have written that members of this international financial gang have for years controlled the giant banking firms, the U.S. Federal Reserve, and the U.S. Treasury.
A. Right.
Q. Is that why we have such terrible economic problems? We have double-digit inflation; unemployment rises as goods we use are more and more produced abroad; our money is flowing overseas more and more, not just for oil, but to buy all sorts of other goods; older Americans living on fixed incomes and on savings are being wiped out. What is going on?
A. First, inflation has been a conscious policy of all the Presidential Administrations -- Republican and Democratic -- since Franklin Roosevelt took us off the gold standard. A gold standard puts strong limitations on the financial manipulations of the bankers. A central bank like the Federal Reserve cannot print or coin more gold than it has on hand. It can't finance huge federal deficits simply by running the printing plants overtime.
For years the managers of the central bank advocated outright demonetization of gold and its total replacement with "special drawing rights" by the International Monetary Fund. This was to be a worldwide paper currency that was really based on records in the I.M.F.'s computer. In order to implement this new medium of international trade, it became necessary to down-grade the dollar. As inflation destroys the value of the U.S. dollar, you and I lose because everything costs more.
But the big commercial banks and the central banks win with more and more of this legal counterfeiting because they are at the very top of the inflationary heap. They make the funny money. They control which governments and businesses get the loans, and at what interest. Our salary and wage increases, our pension or Social Security "cost of living" increases, never come fast enough to get ahead of inflation. It's a fixed race.
Q. You mentioned the leadership of David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan in international banking and as founder of the Trilateral Commission. The new Federal Reserve chairman, Paul H. Volcker, is a Trilateralist and long-time Chase Manhattan executive. What is the relationship of the Trilateralists to international lending institutions like the I.M.F.?
A. The Big Five New York City banks are all run by members of the C.F.R. and the Trilateral Commission. These and a few smaller U.S.-based private transnational banks had by the beginning of the Carter Administration loaned more than $52 billion to Third World and some Communist countries, many of which were already having a hard time paying just the interest, let alone the principal. So the Trilateralists demanded, and got, an "overhauled" International Monetary Fund, subsidized for the most part by the American taxpayer, which would lend money to these deadbeat Third World countries to allow them to meet their obligations to the big banks. And, of course, the money injected into the International Monetary Fund to do this is paid for by still more and more domestic inflation.
Q. How did the Trilateralists push that one through Congress?
A. Early in 1977 they created a new lobbying organization called New Directions. The man set to be responsible for its initial organizing was the Reverend Theodore Hesburgh, chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation, president of Notre Dame University, and a member of the American Committee on East-West Accord that pushes credit sales of our technology to the Communists. Hesburgh and two other very prominent Carter Administration Trilateralists, Secretary of State Vance and chief Arms Control negotiator Paul Warnke, helped set up the New Directions lobbying for the Trilateral program to expand international lending institutions and markedly increase economic development assistance for Third World countries. Those loans of computer-tape "money" are a big reason that inflation is now rampant around the world.
Q. If the Trilateralists and their friends have been so intent on demonetizing gold, why has the price taken off and remained in the range of $600-$700 an ounce?
A. The bankers, especially the central bankers, have always hated gold because it is a strong check on inflation. But they make their money by lending money at interest. Paper banknotes originally were issued by individual banks based on collateral, such as a house or farm, pledged as security for a loan. Now we must deal with the unlimited inflationary capacity of the U.S. Government. It causes inflation by massive deficit spending that is financed by the sale of special bonds to the Federal Reserve, which then prints paper money based on these paper "assets." As a result of this escalating process the dollar is worth less and less every year.
A lot of Arabian sheiks and the governments of oil-producing countries found their own assets, namely millions of U.S. dollars, were losing value. One of the things they did to protect themselves was to start buying gold. After all, why should the Saudis exchange their oil asset for U.S. paper assets of steadily declining value? They are now buying gold -- which runs up the price of depreciating dollars. Even the European and Japanese central banks have gone back to treating their gold reserves as the real store of value. When strapped for funds, they have been pledging their gold for currency loans rather than selling it. Italy and also Portugal did this recently.
Q. What about imports and the deficits in our balance of payments?
A. If you want to understand that, look at where David Rockefeller is putting investments. They are not being placed in the United States. The Trilateralists are quite happy to see the industrial capability of the United States run down, stultify, and collapse. They have already said that they see the future role of America not as a great manufacturing nation but as providing services and raising food. In other words, what America will have for sale is skilled labor, new technological designs, and agricultural products.
Q. Do you think there is any relationship between the Carter Administration's attacks on countries such as Brazil, South Africa, the Republic of China on Taiwan, and Argentina and the Trilateral cartel-type programs?
A. Carter's bizarre "human rights" policies have been used as the pretext to cut off sales of capital goods such as machine tools, nuclear power-plant reactor technology, fuel, and equipment to those countries. All of them are rising industrial powers with fast-growing manufacturing capabilities. All four of the countries you name are more or less currently dependent on oil imports to fuel their industries. Nuclear power plants would obviously make them more independent and would give them a greatly increased industrial capacity. Since the Trilateral Commission is a coalition of Japan, Western Europe, and the U.S. against the rest of the non-Communist world, I have no doubt that their analysts and strategists, David Rockefeller and the men at the top, are attempting to strangle future competitors in the cradle.
South Africa is an especially tough and independent nut to crack. It is the largest source of gold for the Free World and the source of many strategic minerals. If the government there can be destroyed through the Carter Administration, or a future Bush Administration, and if some sort of Marxist black Government is installed by the Western powers or the Soviets, you can bet that mismanagement or policy will virtually cut off production of gold, leaving the U.S.S.R. as the chief world supplier.
Q. Why would the Trilateralists back both Jimmy Carter and George Bush in the same election? Is this like the local businessman who sends $100 to both the Democratic and Republican candidate for Congress in an effort to assure access?
A. No, what you have is an elite that has offered the American people a choice of two candidates, both beholden to them, for at least two generations. The exception to that rule was the case of Senator Barry Goldwater in 1964. Employing their influence in the mass media, the Establishment depicted Goldwater as some sort of war-mad maniac and totally buried him. Currently those same controlled "Liberal" media are building up Bush and Carter while tripping up Reagan, Crane, Kennedy, and others.
Q. Why would the Trilateralists and David Rockefeller back Carter and Bush as Presidential candidates over, say, Teddy Kennedy or Senator Jackson or Ronald Reagan?
A. They want a candidate who is indebted only to themselves. They have always shunned candidates who speak for other identifiable constituencies and would be exposed by turning against those constituencies. Senator Kennedy is the heir to the Far Left wing of the Democratic Party that previously supported Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern. Senator Jackson has an identifiable labor and defense industry constituency. Reagan's Conservative constituency would block his every move in the House and Senate if he were overtly to begin running with the detente and disarmament crowd.
Q. Why have Reagan and Connally begun attacking the Trilateral Commission?
A. The candidates campaigning for the Presidency do not lead their audiences, they follow them and appeal to public opinion. With more and more public awareness of the influence being wielded by the power elite, it is good politics to raise questions about its role. This is fine, because it increases the likelihood that the candidates of the other American constituencies will also reject C.F.R. and Trilateralist overtures and work to reduce their control over U.S. policy. (The Review of the News, February 27, 1980)
"Before the Bolshevik revolt, Russia had succeeded the US as the world's number one oil producer. The chaos and destruction of the revolution effectively eliminated Standard Oil's competition from Russia for several years until Standard could move in and get a piece of the Russian oil business.
In 1926, Standard Oil of New York and its subsidiary, Vacuum Oil Company, concluded a deal to market Soviet oil in European countries. Part of the price for the arrangement, it was reported at the time, was a loan of $75,000,000 to the Bolsheviks. In 1927, Russia's secret partner, Standard Oil of New York, built an oil refinery in Russia. The refinery helped immeasurably in putting the Bolshevik economy back on its feet. According to Professor Sutton," This was the first United States investment in Russia since the Revolution." (We have been unable to find out if Standard Oil was even theoretically expropriated by the Communists.) "
While many biographers have told of their fabulous wealth and virtually unlimited economic and political power, few have dealt with the most remarkable aspect of the Rockefeller  family - its close relationship over many generations with its supposed arch-enemies, the Communists. Of course, there is much about this strange relationship that we do not know. But what is already a matter of public record is astounding. To say that things are not always what they seem is a hackneyed cliché, but there has never been a, mystery to match that of the world Communist movement and the identity of its ultimate backers.

The Bolshevik Revolution took place in November 1917, few would recall that the Czar actually abdicated seven months earlier. With the collapse of Czar Nicholas II's monarchy, a provisional government was established by Prince Lvo. 

At the time the Czar abdicated and for the next several months, the eventual leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin and Trotsky, were not even in Russia.

Lenin was in Switzerland and had been living in exile since 1905. Trotsky also was in exile, working as a reporter for a Communist newspaper in -would you believe -New York City.

Trotsky was allowed to return to Russia with an American passport; Lenin was spirited across Europe in the famous sealed train. They joined forces and by November, through bribery, cunning, brutality and deception, were able to hire enough thugs and make enough deals to seize control of Petrograd.

The Bolsheviks came to power not because the downtrodden masses of Russia called them back, but because very powerful men in Europe and the United States, including members of the Rockefeller family, sent them in.

But while these facts have been somewhat suppressed, the biggest secret of all is that throughout this period, the financing for the revolution came from super capitalists in the West, and primarily from the United States.

A meticulously documented book on this subject was written by Antony Sutton, a research fellow for the prestigious Hoover Institution for War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University, ttitled Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution.
Having the foundations as a tax-free piggy bank is only one of the advantages for one. As Business Week has observed: -"The real motive behind most private foundations is keeping control of wealth. "In the foundation world, where - not for profit- really means not-for- taxation,- one exchanges ownership for control.

Swiss banks and Nazi gold

AS THEIR lives draw to a close, Edward Fagan’s 30,000 clients are trying to recover property they lost in the cataclysm of the second world war. “I lose five to ten clients a day,” says Mr Fagan, who thinks European banks and insurers owe up to $54 billion to survivors of the Nazi Holocaust, though they or their families are unlikely to get more than a fraction of that.
On July 1st another clock started ticking: American state and local officials lifted a moratorium on sanctions against Switzerland’s two biggest banks after negotiations on a settlement with Holocaust victims broke down. The longer the dispute drags on, the tougher the sanctions are likely to get.
The decision boosts Mr Fagan and others demanding full restitution for the Nazis’ chief victims. Whether it makes a settlement more likely is less clear. The Clinton administration was desperate to avoid turning a dispute about history into an international trade row by penalising the banks. The Swiss government may file a complaint with the World Trade Organisation. Most ordinary Swiss, who point out that their country has already set up one fund for Holocaust victims and is proposing another, think the lawyers are more interested in cash than in justice.
The gap between what the banks have offered and what the victims’ lawyers would accept is not vast, but the gulf in perceptions is. The banks reckon their offer—$600m plus whatever a special team of accountants uncovers in assets that were unclaimed or wrongly paid out—is at least ten times what their true liability would be. Recent reports by a Swiss historical commission and the American State Department suggest that most of the gold looted by the Nazis was handled by Switzerland’s central bank, which became the target of a new lawsuit this week, not by commercial banks. And most of that gold was stolen from central banks in occupied countries, not from individuals. Banks have threatened to withdraw their offer if sanctions are imposed. They may sue American states or cities who boycott them.
The victims’ lawyers, who have no illusions about collecting tens of billions of dollars and would probably accept $1.5 billion, look at wartime money flows into Switzerland and conclude that the banks received much bigger sums from Jews or their persecutors. Gold was only part of it. One lawyer cites a 1945 document in which a Swiss official states that the banks held $40m-50m in dormant accounts, worth $400m-500m today. That is ten times what the banks have so far uncovered in unclaimed accounts. The banks are said to have handled even bigger sums in looted assets.
A deal, which may yet be struck as sanctions bite, would not end the saga of lost Jewish wealth. The World Jewish Congress estimates that $9 billion-14 billion, worth ten times that much now, was stolen from Jews. Much of that never reached Switzerland. Mr Fagan recently sued Germany’s two biggest banks, which, he says, acted as receivers of stolen Jewish property. Life-insurance policies were “the poor man’s Swiss bank account”, says a Jewish activist; 16 European insurers are targets of another lawsuit.
Meanwhile governments, even of countries that did not belong to Germany’s wartime axis, are beginning to make amends. Last week Norway’s government approved a fund of 450m kroner ($58.6m) for Holocaust survivors and their families, the first government of a Nazi-occupied country to offer compensation. Britain recently agreed to let 25,000 people, mostly Jews, reclaim deposits in British banks that were confiscated because they were citizens of enemy countries. A score of other countries have started investigations, established funds or returned assets, according to the Holocaust Education Trust in London. Many of these fall short of delivering full restitution and unvarnished truth. It has yet to be proven that the battling of New York lawyers will deliver more to wartime victims.