Thursday, September 22, 2011

God never waste a hurt.
He has given me beauty for ashes.
No one ever went to Heaven for being good.  No one ever went to Hell for being bad. Jesus is THE ANSWER.

The closer I walk with Him here, the closer I walk with Him in heaven.

Do not give up everything for one thing - rebellion

you are given much time to repent becos of God's mercy and patience

obedience leds to miraculous intervention

an ounce of myrrh is more expensive than gold

the true jew is one who in their heart is circumcised.
worship in the spirit

be circumcised in the foreskin of your heart and be no more stiff-necked.

I will not stay where there's no love

love the Lord with passion and other people with compassion

To qualify for life's greatest adventure, you must be willing to tolerate the suspense of this life's and the coming eternity mystery

if someone, ANYONE is hurting you then you need to get help. Keeping quiet while someone hurts you is not the answer to any problem. You need to find someone you trust and tell them that someone is hurting you. 

It may not be an easy thing to do and you may be embarrassed or scared that someone will find out, but the other side of that is to continue to be hurt. Getting help is far smarter, so be smart. 

To be able to stand up for yourself is important to make sure that people don't take advantage of you throughout your life. But be sensitive and don't use your strength to bully others, remember always what it feels like to be bullied and always put yourself in someone else's shoes when you are talking to them. 

A bully uses fear to make people do what they want. But if someone isn't afraid, then bullies lose their power, don't they? So how do you get a bully off your back? Simple, stand up to them. 

The most common solution such as expecting and caring allows the problem to get tougher while giving you stress and shortening your life span.
You will always feel wondrous when you face and solve the problem yourself, and also you are in control of your life, you not only conquer the enemy but also capture your fear. Few achievements are more satisfying than facing someone who is difficult to face and handling the dispute.

When you tackle and face each one around you, the people starts giving you importance, respect and value for your bravery, honesty, righteousness and control. Your subordinates, colleague, associates, employees or coworkers, friends obey you and willingly start to follow your example and become more bold and productive.
 It is accurate to address our feelings regarding how we deal with anger. But what becomes difficult is implementing the behavior change to improve how we can elevate ourselves to handle anger and the anxiety associated with these feelings. Each of us has developed our own method of coping with uncomfortable situations. In the process of understanding the mechanism we develop, it would be helpful if we became open to personal inventory about who we are, and how we cope. In many situations  we cope by avoidance, isolation, depression, and aggression. 
"When you have eaten and are satisfied, you shall bless the LORD your God for the good land which He has given you. Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I am commanding you today; otherwise, when you have eaten and are satisfied, and have built good houses and lived in them,and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and gold multiply, and all that you have multiplies, then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God."
Deuteronomy 8: 10-14
parental approval an incentive for forming self .
everything, if done correctly and with the right spirit, brings much fulfillment.

There is no doubting the mutual relationship between the words we use and the person we become. Whether our character prospers or suffers will  depend greatly on  the words we choose to use. The society will be changed when we start changing the little things.
God doesn't speak verbally. He speaks to a persons heart. To their mind. To their sense of moral righteousness and fairness. To their sense of what is right and Godly. When Jesus Christ is dwelling within a person he is communicating constantly with that person's heart, conscience, soul, and spirit. It is a constant, never ending, 24 hour a day, non stop communication between you and God.
Lack of wisdom , lewdness, uncleanness, sorcery, jealousy, outburst of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissentions, adultery, fortification, idolatry, hatred, contentions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, rivalries, rejection of fellow believers and the lack of love causes believers to miss the goal.
The time to live for God is now. The time to serve Jesus is now.
anger is sin and it will take you further then you want to go and keep you longer then you want to be there.
People are really not our enemy. There is a spiritual enemy that sometimes moves through people. Over come the hurt or the evil with good. Don't engage in arguing, call names back, use rude hand gestures, or whatever people do when they are angry. Heap burning coals on their head by offering them life and light to bring back to their own home. Overcome evil with good.
memorizing scripture  and meditation is the pathway to deep understanding.

if you are going to meditate on the Lord day and night you got to have His Word in your head.
We should not judge men with the seeing of the eye or the hearing of the ear. In other words, we are not to judge people as others depict them.
here will be difficulties on earth, so that you will be as pure as gold, but fear not for I am ahead of you like a mighty warrior”.

It is better to be divided by truth than united in error; it is better to speak truth that hurts and then heals than to speak a lie; it is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie; it is better to stand alone with truth than to be wrong with the multitude."
Only God's Word reveals God's Will.

A stronghold is a faulty thinking pattern based on lies and deception.

When we are bumped by hurts from others  how we respond after a period of struggle dealing with the hurts determines if we get pierced or broken. If we did not reach out for help or find help that can help us move out of misery and wholesomely heal our emotional wounds we will find that the prolonged fight against flesh and blood result in growth into a root of bitterness and brokenness which marked our lives .
People perish from lack of knowledge and we have an enemy out to kill, steal and destroy.
 Seek comfort in God's righteousness through Christ, find solace in His truth. 

Inner Healing is evangelism to the split and hurting areas of our minds and emotions which formed as a result of unresolved past hurts.  Inner healing evangelized to our hurting minds and souls the promise of God in removing Adam's original sin.
Condemnation is showing you the problem, but avoiding the solution.
But for the devil to be successful, he has to reign supreme in the territory of the mind.

The mind is the door way to the heart. 

The mind gives commands that the body follow.

There is a war going on in the battlefield of the mind between good and evil.

Sunday, September 4, 2011
