Friday, February 3, 2012

The one who truly senses the presence of Jesus in his life will celebrate life like Jesus did.

What about us? Have we lost sight of the fact that Jesus Christ came to bring us life and life abundantly, to let us experience real celebration? Would we be invited to a neighborhood function readily? Do our co-workers include us when they get together — or is there something about us so Pharisaical that they conveniently forget to invite us?

Jesus was included in all kinds of parties. The common people embraced Him easily, and loved to be around Him constantly. Why? Because He brought a higher degree of joy wherever He went.

I pray not only that we might be able to penetrate the parties of our society, that people would feel free to include us in their celebrations, but that we might do what Jesus did — for, although He came to people as they were, He left them different than He found them.

If you find the party or the people affecting you rather than you affecting them — watch out. But if, like Jesus, you can go into a place and make a difference by your joy and the unmistakable reality of God’s work in your life, then go with God’s blessing.

Acts 8 tells us that the Early Church was so full of joy that they caused the entire city of Samaria — comparable in size to present-day Dallas — to be full of joy as well.Celebrate your salvation, gang, as you infiltrate your situation. Realize that Jesus can handle your humanity, that He would rather see you a friend of sinners than a self-righteous Pharisee. Then go on to make a difference in your community.

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