Sunday, January 8, 2012

Take my yoke upon you ...
Matthew 11:29
‘Tekton’, the word translated ‘carpenter’ in Matthew 13 to describe Joseph, is the word we use for a finish carpenter rather than a framer. Tradition has it that the carpenter shop where Jesus worked with His father, Joseph, specialized in making yokes.

Because there was always a lead ox yoked together with one who would follow, the yoke was designed in such a way that the lead ox would pull the greater weight. Thus, Jesus used an analogy illustrated daily in His trade and clearly understood by those who listened to Him when He said, ‘Yoke with Me. Let Me be the Lead Ox. Don’t try to figure out or change My direction. Let Me lead you.’

A story is told of a battleship cruising the Atlantic off the northern coast of Maine. One stormy evening, the Commander was notified,

'Sir, there’s a light ahead. Oncoming vessel.’
‘Signal the oncoming vessel to change his course 10 degrees to the west,’ ordered the Commander.

The message was sent.
But a light flashed back, ‘Change your course 10 degrees to the east.’

‘Signal again: Change your course 10 degrees to the west. I am an Admiral!’ barked the Commander.

The light flashed back: ‘Change your course 10 degrees to the east. I am a Seaman Third Class.’

By this time, the Admiral was incensed as he thundered, ‘Signal again: Change your course 10 degrees to the west. I am a battleship.’

And the Seaman Third Class transmitted the message which would settle the altercation completely and decisively when he said, ‘Change your course 10 degrees to the east. I am a lighthouse.’

As we impudently and impetuously say to the Lord, ‘Lord, let’s go my way,' He answers,

‘No, we’re going My way.

I am the Lighthouse.
I am the Light of the world,
the Rock of your salvation,
the Creator and Sustainer of your soul.
I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the One Who knows the beginning from the end.
Trust Me.’

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