Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dear friends:

With all the evil and unbelief in the world constantly reported, sometimes even in my own e-mails, let us not forget that God is not asleep and is still quite busy doing what He does (and doing it well).

This afternoon I was watching the Daystar Christian TV channel on Direct TV and heard a riveting interview with a most fascinating Korean pastor, Che Ahn, of the Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California.

Pastor Che Ahn was sharing about a great youth revival going on in many churches, with many young people getting filled with the Spirit and manifesting signs and wonders in their witness. He gave some examples. He gave one example of a 22-year-old young man he knows who was recently standing in line at the cash register and noticed the lady in front of him wearing hearing aids. He boldly asked her, "Would you like for me to pray for you so that God will heal your hearing?"

She said yes, assuming that he meant to pray for her later. Instead, he wanted to pray for her right then and there, and she agreed. He did, then asked the lady to remove her hearing aids. She did and with some testing from the young man found out that her hearing was perfect! The lady was so excited. The cashier was in tears, knowing that she had just experienced an act of God.

The young man then asked to use her microphone. He got on the microphone and announced to the whole store, "Attention, shoppers! God is healing on aisle 4. Come on down and get yours." Many came, he preached a short sermon, and many were saved. I suspect many got healed. There was a Holy Ghost revival right there in that store.

The young man's boldness gave me great joy, and I was reminded of the times in my life when I have experienced God's miracle power. It has always been when I stepped out boldly and audaciously in faith, never when I was timid, and when I had to totally trust in God and not myself for the outcome. I had to crucify the flesh and not worry about how I might be embarrassed. Pride and fear of failure often block such actions where God can meet our point of faith and be glorified.

An example is a Christian concert I once attended. The popular, featured singer developed a migraine headache and they were about to cancel her. I suddenly felt a surge of boldness and I made my way backstage, and found her. I came right out and asked if she would like for Jesus to heal her, and without hesitation she said yes. I laid my hand on her head and prayed the prayer of faith. As soon as my prayer was finished, she happily announced that her headache had suddenly disappeared. She was ecstatic! He act went on as scheduled and the large crowd was blessed.

We need more audacious boldness for Jesus. I know He likes it and will meet us when we step out. "Without faith, it is impossible to please Him" (Hebrews 11:6).


Che and Sue Ahn
Senior Pastors

Che and his wife Sue Ahn are the Sr. Pastors of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California. Che and Sue have four adult children, Gabriel, Grace (and son in law Steve), Joy, and Mary.

Che is also founder and president of Harvest International Ministry, a worldwide apostolic network of over 5000 churches in over 34 nations with the common vision of "Changing Lives, Transforming Cities, and Discipling Nations."

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